In The News

We’re a regular contributor to MoneySense magazine. We were invited to the 2018 Federal budget lock-up and were published in Macleans Magazine. In 2016 we entered a National financial planning competition and placed 2nd over-all.

“I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your articles in money sense. I read them as they come out and am learning so much from you. Thank you for your well written, concise articles.”

How to retire in your 40s with $60,000 a year for life

Joanna and Charlie A. are both 44 years old and live in London, Ont. Joanna, a physician, has spent the last 20 years managing the family’s investments and next year, she wants to hang up her white coat and dedicate herself to freelance writing—a side hustle she’s had for several years now.

Can Anne, 63, afford to retire right now?

Anne, a 63-year-old divorced human resource manager earning $100,000 annually, retired a year ago and has been living off a small $45,000 inheritance. But she is worried. “I don’t have a company pension so I will have to start drawing down my investment portfolio later this year,” says Anne.


Q. If my spouse and I retire at age 60 in about three years—and want to have $45,000 net annually to spend—how much money will we need to have saved? We have no company pensions—only full CPP and OAS. We expect to live to age 85.

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